Monday, December 8, 2008

A new sort of dictionary

Stemming off of a comment on a previous post, I have decided to catalog my new words, and the definitions I come up with for them. This post will be continually updated as I bring new words forth from that place in my head where definitions come from (now known as Hotarfes).

If I don't have a definition yet, I'll just put the word, so feel free to put up new (possibly better)definitions if I don't have one, or just if you have another one, I'll add it.

The dictionary has now been moved to the side of my blog (at the top of course) since this blog post keeps moving farther and farther down the page. Feel free to add definitions in whatever comment section you please though!

1 comment:

Sami said...

I couldn't find Pacesse or Baket on But I did find baket on It said that a baket is a Tok Pisin term for pail or bucket. And the Tok Pisin language is spoken in Ppua New Guinea. I'm not completely sure though, so you might want to double check. Heres the url for baket:

bye abby :)